Sunday, October 11, 2009


I hate myself and no one but God knows.
I hate everything about myself.
I hate so many things that involve myself.
I hate myself more and more each day.
I hate myself more than anything.
I isolate myself and I spend a lot of time on the Internet.
I am a terrible person and I ruin everything in my life.
I believe that I don't deserve any good things.
I see a lot of reasons why I hate myself but i don't know how to fix them.
I don't trust myself, I don't know how to and I don't trust anyone else because people always hurt me. I also hurt people too.
I am afraid that if I tell anyone anything about me again they will just use it against me and embarrass and ashame me with it so it is better for me just to keep everything to myself from today onwards.

Imagine a world where you couldn't truly trust anyone.

P/S: Thanks to my sister. Thanks for those advices.

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